CLIT introduces a professional grade specially formulated range of CAR CARE PRODUCTS like dashboard polish glass cleaners car perfumes windshield cleaner car shampoo scratch remover automobile polishes car spray perfumes air fresheners Electrical Car Polisher Anti Corrosive Car Polisher Shining Car Polisher Dust Remover Exterior Surface Polisher Auto Shampoos Car Interior Treatment Goods Liquid Glass-Washing Polishing Paste spray dashboard polish and car body polish. CLIT Products are blended with superior resins to be safe easy to use and unbeatable in effect and value. Our product range include car washer car polisher car wash kit car perfume car cleaner.
CLIT Car Care Products are so designed that its quality suited to the professional user as well as family Car or Two Wheeler owner. They are also environmentally and user friendly products Which keep your vehicle as good as new for as long as you want.
Now weather its about quick washing or quick shine on the outer surface or inside the car You can do it yourself economically and effortlessly with CLIT Car Care Products and a little amount of time. Your Car or Two Wheeler will look in its prime.
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Ludhiana, Punjab